No More Nomads

A Picnic on My Dress: Gorgeous women in gorgeous gowns in a gorgeous setting making gorgeous art. Sounds like an easy win, huh? But the catch, here, was that each artist had to perform despite her garment, constrained by it, each gown (though created with both the artist's body and the performance space in mind) crafted... Continue Reading →

Happy 100th Birthday, Mr. Cage!

Today would have been John Cage’s 100th birthday. I threw a Birthday Bash on Monday in celebration and it was loads of fun. We had cake, balloons, toy musical instruments, bubbles, goodie bags, and a performance of 4’33”, along with a heartfelt rendition of The Andrews Sisters’ hit “Happy Birthday”, conducted by a four-year-old. As... Continue Reading →

Beers with Alarm Will Sound

In this age of ridiculous celebrity, it was a treat to knock back a few with some of the members of Alarm Will Sound after their concert Thursday night. It was doubly so not only because we got to discuss music with artistically driven performers we respect - come on, I get to do that... Continue Reading →

There’s more than corned beef in Indiana

Shapiro's Delicatessen may be the reason I love Jews. Sure, the Jewish people have a rich and complicated history, sure they themselves are interesting, funny and intelligent, sure they have a long and honorable tradition of art and music and cultural prowess. But it's really about the hearty comfort foods served in behemothic portions of creamy/salty/fatty abundance. Long... Continue Reading →

Some views from “America: Now and Here”

I want to recap a show that opened last month here in Kansas City.  Well, more event than show, at least for my involvement and observation.  “America: Now and Here” ran at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center in the Crossroads over the course of May.  The project was conceived and spearheaded by artist Eric Fischl.  The prescribed... Continue Reading →

Inaugural grilling: lamb burgers

It is a very good thing to live with a very good cook.  It also helps when, being pregnant, one's husband takes his provider role very seriously and creates delicious meals to feed his wife and child. It is not a good thing that our schedules are so disjunct that we can eat a meal, at home, together,... Continue Reading →

A thing of beauty

Since a portion of this blog is devoted to the perfect meal - le sandwich - I feel it is my duty to corral links and information in honor and celebration of that aforementioned item.  Behold: Selleck Waterfall Sandwich.

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