KCUR: Central Standard

Live from Swope Park! I joined Gina Kaufman and guests for a live broadcast of KCUR's Central Standard to talk all things Open Spaces. It's the first year for the festival, which opened today, and I think we've all had a difficult time wrapping our heads around the event(s). It's two months+ of art and... Continue Reading →

July/August Review Round-Up

Summer is fading and the season is on the horizon. Reviews for The Kansas City Star. Summerfest Concert 1 Summerfest Concert 2 - with exceptional Ravel Piano Trio KC Baroque "Silence & Beauty" KC Fringe Fest KC Baroque "Music & Dance"  

The Last Byline

I gotta admit, even though I have less than a decade of regular contributions to The Kansas City Star, I get a little ... itchy ... when I don't have a byline in Monday's paper from a weekend review. As a freelance contributor, my office is my home, more specifically my couch. I've never set... Continue Reading →

Beers with Alarm Will Sound

In this age of ridiculous celebrity, it was a treat to knock back a few with some of the members of Alarm Will Sound after their concert Thursday night. It was doubly so not only because we got to discuss music with artistically driven performers we respect - come on, I get to do that... Continue Reading →

Plein-air Shakespeare

That’s the way to see the Bard. Nearing the end of their 20th anniversary, dual-show run, the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival has engineered a presentation that rivals the clockwork precision of a comedic double act. Despite Saturday’s record setting heat temperatures, the evening featured a cool breeze and was gratifyingly devoid of bugs. And... Continue Reading →


Wouldn't it be great if someone came in from off stage and brought you up to speed every once in a while in your own life, highlighting the pertinent points? I get so caught up in day to day ephemera that I lose my grip on the plot, the characters, and the over-arching themes, and can’t help... Continue Reading →

“Everyday Rapture” at the Unicorn Theatre

The Unicorn Theatre just finished a run of Everyday Rapture, a (mostly) one-woman show that (semi) documents the journey from Bible belt to Broadway. Sherie Rene Scott is the creator (co-written with Dick Scanlan) and star of the original show, a cabaret-style, Broadway-infused show that got her a Tony Award nomination. Here, it’s been reworked... Continue Reading →

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