KC Studio: Holiday Stories

Awe, the holidays. Lots and lots and lots of shows this month and boy howdy how do you even? I realized a bit too late that I have nearly no down time between now and December 25 so the last two days have been an errand-mania, my friends! Handel's "Messiah" is a must-have for many... Continue Reading →

KC Studio Nov/Dec 2018

Is this cover fierce AF or what? I have nothing to do with designing this magazine but I do love that my words get to be in something so kick ass! This month, I've got stories on Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and musician/composer/sound explorer Shawn E. Hansen. I especially loved what photographer Jim Barcus did with... Continue Reading →

KC Studio Nov/Dec 2017

Another dynamite issue of KC Studio is out.  I wrote about newEar Contemporary Chamber Ensemble's 25th anniversary celebration and The Wires Alternative Strings Duo Solstice Concert.

KCUR Central Standard: Women Composers

I joined KCUR's Central Standard program with host Gina Kaufmann and composer Ingrid Stölzel in conversation about the Kansas City Symphony's lack of women composer programming within the broader topic of the gender gap in classical music. Listen to the conversation at 25:00 (or listen to the whole thing and learn about modern American farm... Continue Reading →

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