Arts Year End

Fail better. The arts in Kansas City had a pretty phenomenal year, some huge achievements, some huge, disastrously phenomenal events, but a big impact and plenty of challenges to meet in 2018. We can't overcome the deaths of people important to us, like Michelle Boisseau, but how fortunate for those who knew them and how... Continue Reading →

July/August Review Round-Up

Summer is fading and the season is on the horizon. Reviews for The Kansas City Star. Summerfest Concert 1 Summerfest Concert 2 - with exceptional Ravel Piano Trio KC Baroque "Silence & Beauty" KC Fringe Fest KC Baroque "Music & Dance"  

Quoted: Merriam-Webster

So the dictionary quoted me today.... That's a surreal little missive to receive--"We wanted to let you know that you were quoted in today’s Merriam-Webster Word of the Day.""--doesn't that seem like spam? I'm getting the biggest kick of this, goodness gracious the internet is just the weirdest thing, so please just indulge me.

The Last Byline

I gotta admit, even though I have less than a decade of regular contributions to The Kansas City Star, I get a little ... itchy ... when I don't have a byline in Monday's paper from a weekend review. As a freelance contributor, my office is my home, more specifically my couch. I've never set... Continue Reading →

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