Pocket Thoughts (A Little Year End Post)

All things being equal this year has demonstrated that all things are not equal. Entering the chaotic world of poetry publishing became something beyond my capacity, so instead of amassing rejection slips like a true artist, I'm leaving these leavings here. This zine pulls together seven miniature pieces in a one-page print out that folds... Continue Reading →

What I Saw, Wrote, and Read in 2019

Maybe next year will be the year of work/life balance. 😉 People with more time and ambition are writing year end lists and best of decade lists and various other lists, but geez, I'm too exhausted to consider sifting through everything that has happened in the last few years. But then again, my 10 year... Continue Reading →

Arts Rodeo: A Year-End Round-Up

Friends, it's either write this year-end post or clear out the basement and, honestly, one of my 2019 goals is to become that person who is productive when procrastinating, like cleaning or baking, instead of someone who re-reads fantasy novels when procrastinating. (Editor's note: Libby has re-read two fantasy novels in the last two days.)... Continue Reading →

Arts Year End

Fail better. The arts in Kansas City had a pretty phenomenal year, some huge achievements, some huge, disastrously phenomenal events, but a big impact and plenty of challenges to meet in 2018. We can't overcome the deaths of people important to us, like Michelle Boisseau, but how fortunate for those who knew them and how... Continue Reading →

Heads Up for 2016

In this no-quit scene, I only managed to see about 50 concerts, 45 of which I reviewed for The Kansas City Star with a few write ups in this space, and 11 other pieces, either in The Star or in KCStudio. This isn’t going to be an end-of-the-year review. I don’t have time right now... Continue Reading →

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